– 33rd Annual Training Conference –

Central Illinois Fire Investigators Association

Please click the registration link below to register for the 2025 CIFIA Full Conference.

CIFIA Conference Registration



For the second year, CIFIA is proud to offer a one-day Fire Investigation Responsibilities for Chiefs and Company Officers session. This course is open to any Firefighter, Company Officer, Chief Officer, or others who may be tasked with assisting with the determination of fire origin and cause.

Please use the link below to register for the one-day session.

Please click the registration link below to register Fire Investigation Responsibilities Course

Fire Investigation Responsibilities – Registration

Annual Conference
Annual Conference
Annual Conference

Annual Training Conference

Who Should Attend?

  • Fire/Arson Investigators, Public and Private Sector
  • Insurance Industry
  • Fire Department First Responders
  • Law Enforcement Officers/Investigators/Detectives
  • Prosecutors
  • Federal State, County, or Local Level Investigators
  • Military Investigators
  • Engineers, consultants and anyone tasked with the
    duty of Investigating fires.

Why Should Investigators Attend?

  • In today’s investigations it is imperative the investigator can
    demonstrate that he/she is following and in compliance with the
    standards of the fire investigation industry, for the purpose of this
    class NFPA® 1033 Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator.
  • When you testify or are required to participate in depositions the
    expert may be required to present an up to date and accurate
    curriculum vitae that includes compliance documentation with
    regard to the requirements of the NFPA® 1033 standard.
  • Fire investigators have been familiar with NFPA® 921, Guide for Fire
    and Explosion Investigators for many years. Today as an investigator,
    the question must be asked, can I assure the court, opposing counsel,
    and my agency or company, that I meet the requirements of NFPA®
    1033, Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator, Especially in the
    area of the post-secondary education requirements.

Our 2025 Featured Speaker

Todd Hedglin

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